Name: Shane Brady
Aliases: Prince of he North, King of the North, PoN, KoN, Ex-Kon.
Tendency: Superheel
Former Federations: Mondial fed- EPW, Intercontinental fed- Wrestling of the future, WoF, When I was there National fed- Squared Circle Terror, SCT, and most recently dissolved fed- Spirits! World Wrestling, SWW.
Bio: During the North Political War, Shane Brady used to work for the Liberal Party against the unjust Monarchy of Canada. Shane actually used his Liberal intel to form a secret rebellion, which would later overthrow the Monarchy and Liberal governments, he then dubbed himself Prince of the North and left the country of Canada under Pure Democratic Rule for a career in wrestling. He then left WoF for a short while to become King of the North, once it was dissolved he was seriously injured in a car accident. He then went to Spirits! World Wrestling where he rebuilt his fan base, his style, and his swag. Now he is here in the BWB to bust some heads, and make some enemies, and if you're not down with that...DEAL WITH IT!