"Heroes" by David Bowie hit the speakers while the Royalty of BWB Doryan Gray strolls down the ramp to into the ring. He is walking pretty cocky, without a smile but generally seems in a good mood. Once in the ring arrogantly asks for a microphone gently leans on his cane and starts.
Doryan Gray: Greetings, all you over fed, lazy, rebellious, ungrateful peasants.
The crowd roars with disapproval and blatant hatred for the man who week after week comes out and makes such remarks. Gray is not bothered and simply continues.
Doryan Gray: But, enough of you, I here to talk about what really important - me...
Again the reaction is pretty heated from the crowd.
Doryan Gray: As..I... was... saying... I'm here to send a message and make it perfectly clear - when i pick sides I know to pick the WINNING side, and in this case it is obviously the side Demonic Knights are on.
At the mention of Demonic Knights the crowd erupts again in boos, but this time Doryan snaps.
Doryan Gray: Shut it, just SHUT IT ALL O' YA!
The crowd erupts even more at those words, but eventually calms down, while Gray gathers his composure and bug eyed, clears his throat, fixes his hair, coughs and continues.
Doryan Gray: Ekhrmmm, anyway as I was saying - last week i proved that i can beat, nay - wipe the floor with one of the weaker links in the DK and think I should be given an opportunity to join the group and thus strengthening the powerful fraction even further. Again I give my full services at your disposal, gentlemen, and await thy response.
Gray goes to one corner fixes his eyes on the entrance and waits for something to happen.